What do website visitors expect from B2B brands?
Now visitors appreciate quick access (easy navigation, visuals) to up-to-date, high-quality information (answers, tips, ideas). Most visitors and marketers respond that easy access to relevant responses is a key characteristic of a website. Some people say that beautiful design is one of the key characteristics of a website. At the same time, visitors chose ‘beauty’ as often as marketers. So, the design still matters. But marketers value brand story and social proof more on a website.
What are the main functions of a B2B website (according to visitors and marketers)?
As it turned out, visitors need features that help them quickly get information: search, chat and links to the brand’s social networks. Of course, all this is important, but according to the Google Analytics report, search is not always useful – live chat requires human resources that are not always available, and chatbots need software, that isn’t for free. All this is good only if it increases conversion. By the way, research has shown that slideshows tend to be ineffective, either.
Predictably, marketers love features that are directly related to conversions – everything that collects visitors’ data.
Is it necessary to give visitors what they want?
The answer is ‘yes’, but not always.
Of course, when a site doesn’t meet the basic expectations of visitors, they are more likely to leave. 100% of our visitors know that there are hundreds of other websites which can give them what they are looking for. First, give them what they want.
- The main conclusion of the survey of visitors is that they need access to information:
- Clear, informative headlines: Let your visitors know they’ve got to where they need to be.
- Easy navigation: They can segment content quickly.
- Basic Questions Answered: The content on each next page must strictly answer their question.
… and then give them what YOU want them to get!
And before they leave, show them what you want them to find. Perhaps they did not come to read your case studies or reviews about you, but you can place them so skillfully on the site that they will, willy-nilly, read them, but hardly anyone will get to a separate page of reviews.

Consider these four basic principles when attracting visitors to your website:
Purpose. Good design always starts with a problem statement. Before you do anything, you need to ask yourself what each web page is for. If there is no goal, then it is not worth creating it.
Aesthetics of appearance. The site should look good and modern. If s/he “sends greetings from the 90s” – this is bad, and the situation is needed to be fixed as soon as possible.
Relevant and original content. The content of the site must correspond to the business objectives, the content must be unique. Plagiarism is bad and punishable by search engines.
Clear navigation. How simple and clear you can navigate the site is very important. Any of its pages should be accessible in three clicks from any other page. Navigation should be simple and straightforward – this has a positive effect on conversions and even on search engine rankings.