UncategorizedThe second part: Website development on CMS

The second part: Website development on CMS


Installing a template

Regardless of the type of your resource and the engine that you use, when creating a site on the CMS, the basic capabilities are always insufficient. This statement is especially true in the case of free CMS.

If you are creating a news site, portal or blog, then the design is not so critical. If you need to create an online store or, even better, a game site, then the graphic design should be one of the first places when designing a resource.

To help design the site following the selected theme and taking into account all the tastes of the owner, just graphic templates and design themes are called upon (depending on the engine, the names of entities may differ).

Finding them, as a rule, is not difficult, because they, fortunately, are available in great abundance on the vastness of the World Wide Web. You can even order it individually from programmers. Problems usually start during installation. This is especially true for the development of sites on CMS, which do not have automatic tools for installing templates.

Therefore, the installation of templates for specific engines will be devoted to separate articles that touch on all the nuances of this process.

Installing modules

The same integral step in creating a website on the CMS, as installing a template. Despite the good basic capabilities of the engine, its functionality is insufficient.

If we take the previously mentioned OpenCart as an example, then by default it does not have a payment method via WebMoney and Yandex.Money. There are no different courier services in delivery options.

With boxed engines, things are a little better, but still no, no, and a developer flaw will pop up. Also, some of the basic functionality may not satisfy. For this reason, it is necessary to supplement the store with various modules.

Transfer to hosting

This stage of developing sites on the CMS is a particular disadvantage of deploying a local copy on your computer. But there is no need to be afraid of it, because he doesn’t represent anything terrible

All you need is the username and password of your account on the hosting provider’s server, as well as a file transfer program.

Site filling

This stage is the final one when creating a site on the CMS. It is a smooth transition from developing a web project to working with it. Because, regardless of the type of resource, to attract visitors and increase earnings on it, you need to regularly post thematic information on the site.

News, articles, goods – the more there are, the more successful your site will be.

It’s simple

Some mansions have an online store in this rule, because there may be more than one thousand goods in it. Therefore, to fill this type of resource, special technologies and programs are used, which we will talk about in the future.

As a result, I will say that this list is universal and independent of the CMS you have chosen and the type of resource you are creating. Therefore, you can safely use it when creating resources on specific engines, which will be discussed in the following publications.

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